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PTO Logo

What is the PTO?

PTO stand for Parent Teacher Organization. A group working together to support and enrich all elementary students. 

What does the PTO do?

The PTO supports the school by organizing volunteers for different functions as well as raising funds to support classrooms and other large projects throughout the building.

How can I help the PTO?

You can help the PTO in many ways. You can attend our meetings each month - they fall on the 2nd Thursday of each month and take place in the library at 3:30pm. Even if you can't attend a meeting there are so many ways to help; contact us through our email for more information on opportunities to volunteer in the school.

Contact Info:

Carly Jorgenson, President


PTO At a Glance

(What we do/sponsor throughout the year)

September Country Bumpkin Family Day, Yearbook Committee
October Book Walk, Restaurant Night
December Santa Secret Shop
January Restaurant Night, Yearbook Committee
February Kalahari Night, School Dance
March Pizza Ranch Night
May Book Walk, Teacher Appreciation Week